Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

ip:port, because this is a backconnect proxy login, no password is required for authorization.

The proxy list can be downloaded as a .txt file or as a link.

Yes, you can bind up to 50 IPs.

If you are not sure about the compatibility of the proxy and your software, check in advance what requirements it must meet. Knowing the technical requirements, you can contact our support team for advice and choose the best option.

No. All proxies, except personal and mobile, use a backconnect connection. Upon purchase, you receive a list of auxiliary server ports that lead to the proxy.

Online is the number of proxies in the package. The average valid proxy is 80%.

Our proxies support HTTP(S), SOCKS4(a) and SOCKS5. All protocols work through the same port.

Вы покупаете общий трафик, по фиксированной стоимости - 3$/Gb. Купленный трафик действует на все прокси-листы.
При расчете трафика учитывается входящий и исходящий объем. Все данные по расходу трафика можно получить в разделе “Статистика”.

Proxy lists are updated every two hours, the percentage of updates varies from 10 to 20%. The percentage of update depends on the selected locations in the proxy list. Please note that when you receive proxy sheets from a link, sheets are updated automatically.

The ProxyTraff service provides resident proxies via the BackConnect system with support for the HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks4a, Socks5 protocols.
Resident, means that the proxies provided are identified as home IPs, which allows you to hide actions as if they were being performed by a real user from the home network.
BackConnect is a proxy system based on an additional server between your PC and the final IP output. Which significantly increases the confidentiality of work.

Billing is based on traffic consumption, so first you need to replenish the balance, and then purchase the required amount of traffic.